Here’s a shout out to all ex-NJCians to join us as a member of the NJC Alumni and its affiliated NJ Graduates Network! Do help to spread the word and invite any ex-NJCian you know who might be missing this email.
Note: With effect from January 2017, a new member of NJC Alumni does not need to pay a joining fee.
If you are unsure whether you have registered, or if you are already a member of the NJC Alumni and would like to update your contact details, do fill the form too.
More information about NJC Alumni and NJ Graduates Network:
NJC Alumni was officially set up in 1975 to foster closer links between NJC and its former students. NJCA has actively participated in College functions and fund-raising activities for the betterment of our alma mater. Find out more at https://nationaljc.moe.edu.sg/about-us/alumni/.
NJ Graduates Network (“NJGradNet”) is an initiative by a group in NJC Alumni to engage and connect with incumbent students. Started in 2018, NJGradNet was motivated by a desire to ensure that every aspiring student is afforded the support needed to achieve his/her tertiary and post-tertiary goals. Find out more at https://www.njgradnet.com/.
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