Message from the President of the NJC Alumni – Mr. Victor Li
I took over the role of President of the NJC Alumni in 2021, from the immediate-past President Mr Lim Chin Hong. He has served for over 20 years as President and has lived NJC’s motto of “Service with Honour” - an accomplishment which I can only hope to live up to.

During my short 2 years in NJC from 2000-2001, I spent a disproportionate amount of time in the canteen preparing for school activities, learning to play the guitar unsuccessfully and occasionally studying. (I hope my Civics Tutor Ms Woon is not reading this). However, the canteen is also the place where I built life-long connections which continued to this day.

Hence my hope for the NJC Alumni is exactly to provide a platform for ex-students to reconnect with peers and build new connections. Having worked in various industries for a few years, alumni may also give back to the College through sharing our experiences and industry knowledge. Hopefully, this will build a strong NJCian community, consisting of more new and younger members, who will continue to contribute like many of our long-serving alumni.
Link to College Day 2022 speech: