NJ50 Musical @ The Esplanade Theatre
On 2 August 2018, NJC performed our first ever original musical at the Esplanade Theatre, as part of our NJ50 celebrations. On stage and behind the scenes, staff, students and alumni of NJC worked hard for months to make the evening possible.

We are also proud to have our guest-of-honour, Ms Chang Hwee Nee, CEO of National Heritage Board, an alumnus of NJC, gracing the evening.

The National Dream tells the story of Natalie as a student of National Junior College, with the narrative set against the backdrop of fifty years of NJC’s history and our milestone events. This musical has now become another milestone in our history.

It was a night down memory lane for many of us, seeing NJC’s history brought to life on stage. We also had the opportunity to meet up with many of our ex-teachers, classmates and friends that evening.
For more photos of the musical: