Spot Light on Nick
In this issue of NJConnect, we caught up with our Vice-Principal, Mr Nick Chan who left NJC at the end of Term 1 as he progresses in his career as an educational leader. Nick joined NJC in 2004 as a budding Physics teacher and rose through the ranks to become Vice-Principal. In his many years of service to the College as a teacher, the Head of Department for Research and then Vice-Principal, Nick played a pivotal role in developing the NJC Research Programme as well as in pushing for infrastructural development to support research pursuits in the College. As the Vice-Principal, Nick lived the vision of the College and charted the direction for the entire College community together with the other School Leaders. The teachers and students as a whole have benefited a lot from his unwavering focus and selflessness in areas of resource planning and human resource management. He will be missed by all of us and we wish him all the best in the Leaders in Education Programme and in his future posting.

What do you remember most about your days as a student in NJC?
My friends in my class and my CCA! I was in the Photographic Society and I remember the times when we holed up in the dark room working on tonnes of photos for the school and for sale. We were one of the richest CCAs then. At that time, we did not own digital cameras and every shot was not to be wasted.
What are the proudest moments you have had in the years you served as a teacher and Vice-Principal in NJC?
I would say that I am proud to have had the chance to “serve” (to teach, coach or mentor) my students. As a VP, I also had the chance to work with many colleagues to achieve things that they are proud of and those that have made a positive impact on others.
I am most proud when I see my students graduate and go on to pursue their passions, doing what they enjoy doing and helping others in the process. I remember seeing some of my ex-students in the hospital where my daughter was admitted. They were running around helping patients and coaching their housemen. One of them even signed for my daughter’s hospitalisation leave.
I am also very proud when I see the Key Personnel or teacher-leaders in College going the extra mile, seeing through issues or helping one another in the fraternity. This is what we know as serving others before serving oneself and it is the servant leadership College motto which we should all espouse.
What is your personal philosophy and what inspires you?
Four things always came to my mind when I am asked this question:
Serving others beyond serving oneself;
The Golden Rule: "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
The Platinum Rule: "Treat others the way they want to be treated.”
Do what you need to do and don’t look back.
Like what Dale Carnegie said, “Remember Today is the Tomorrow that you worried about Yesterday.” I seize any opportunity to do good for others.
What will you miss most about NJC?
My friends and students. Definitely friends who have worked hard together with me over the years and those who have gone through thin and thick with me.
If there is one piece of advice you could give to current and previous cohorts of NJCians, what would it be?
I would ask them what their compass is and tell them these:
Be true to yourself;
Think of others;
Think of your actions and the possible consequences to yourself and others;
Make your call and don’t have any regrets.