Interview Chia Tze Hao
Chia Tze Hao (Class of 2017) was awarded the Best Poster at the 2016 International Science Youth Forum (ISYF) Research Poster Competition. He also presented his research work on "The Role of Irisin on Skeletal Muscle" to a panel of Nobel Laureates and international delegates.
We managed to catch up with him amidst his busy schedule to find out more about his research and what drives him to delve into this area of study.

Congratulations, Tze Hao for being awarded the Best Poster at the 2016 International Science Youth Forum (ISYF) Research Poster Competition. Can you tell us more about the research work that you were involved in?
I really like Science from a young age, ever since I was in Primary 2. I always read up ahead to find out more about the different science topics that will be covered in class. I am particularly interested in cells, especially in the different types of cells that made up our body. Therefore, when I was in Junior High 2, I was glad to be given opportunities to further my interest in SPIRE, especially when I could see the different tangible applications that my science research could be used.
What inspired you to carry out your research on Irisin?
I did a Project in JH3 Estar for a hydrogen fuel production and subsequently in JH4, I was asked whether I would like to work with Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences in A*STAR and the lab was focused on skeletal muscle research and that why I was inspired to do research in Irisin.
I was very intrigued especially when I found out the role of Irisin and how important it is in many applications, especially in terms of helping patients with muscle atrophy as is the only tangible solution as there are currently no other forms of accepted medicine.
How did you feel during the ISYF presentation, especially when presenting to the Nobel Laureates and international delegates?
I was initially nervous but I realized that the laureates were just as excited as me to find out what I have to share. That helped me to build the confidence and I am just glad to be able to share.
What are some of the things that you have learnt through sharing your research findings?
I learn the importance of communication when conducting research, especially on the need to share our research findings with others so that the results can benefit others and the research can be taken up by others to make further strides in the field.
How do you plan to extend and apply the knowledge and skills that you have acquired in doing research in Senior High and beyond?
One important thing that I learnt is about perseverance. In doing research, one has to be patient as I often need to repeat my experiments many times before any possible success in getting a good result. It is also important to have an interest and passion in things that we do, in order to keep the motivation going. I do hope to continue apply what I have learnt through H3 Research for the A Levels.
Besides engaging in research work, what other interests do you have?
I generally like teams sports, in particular Basketball and Floorball. These games are generally fast paced and we often need to make quick decisions. I also like to keep myself active through playing these games. I do also watch a lot of comedies, my favourites being How I Met Your Mother, Friends as well as The Big Bang Theory as a form of distress after a long day.