Interview - Chong Koi Kiat
Chong Koi Kiat (Class of 2015) is a very motivated canoeist, and one of the top 10 finalists in the TNP School Sports Stars Award 2015. After his A-Levels at the end of last November, we interviewed Koi Kiat to find out more about him. Koi Kiat is very down-to-earth, and shared with us a fun fact about himself having a lost front tooth due to infection from a tooth fracture. He is unsure how it happened, but he laughs it off and sees it as something special about himself.

Now that the A-Levels are officially over for you, what are your plans?
I’ll return to NJC to help in the canoeing training, but I’ll be enlisting in January, so I think I’ll try to help out on Saturdays. I would also like to start watching some TV shows that I’ve missed, such as Sherlock. To be honest though, I think I’ll miss the constant studying for the A-Levels.
What is your source of motivation?
My team and my family. My team motivates me to train. Without them, I would not have built my values. They push me to go harder and faster. Even though canoeing is an individual sport, we keep each of our team mates in our heart when we train and compete, and that helps to push me forward. When we race and when we train, we don’t only think of ourselves and our own results; we train as one mind.
Initially, my parents were unsupportive of me picking up canoeing. My grades suffered at the beginning in JH2. But through canoeing, I’ve learnt to manage my time better. In JH3 and 4, my grades started to improve. I also received double Golds in the National Interschool Canoeing Championships. After that, my parents are more accepting. They will help to motivate me by providing me with good nutrition (a lot of rice, meat and vegetables). In fact, my mother prepares steak for me every week. She enjoys cooking.
You did very well for SEA Games 2015. Will you be continuing with canoeing?
The National Team manager asked if I’d like to apply to train with the National Team while doing NS, during weekdays, so I’m planning to train partially with the National Team while in NS. When I go on to the university after NS, I plan to join the school canoeing team.
Share with us some of your other interests outside of canoeing.
Like many other boys, I enjoy playing computer games like DOTA. I also enjoy watching TV shows.
You have just graduated from NJC. What do you think you will remember about NJC, 25 years from now?
My friends, and canoeing. I spent the majority of my time here in NJC. It’ll be hard to forget studying for the A levels together with my friends. Of course, I’ll remember the time I spent with the canoeing team and the coaches; especially the team, because they taught me a lot of things. Some of the teachers have been teaching me since JH1, and taught me important values such as responsibility and the values of NJC canoeing (fortitude integrity, gratitude, humility, teamwork, endurance, resilience, selflessness).