Etude XL
The National Junior College Symphonic Band will be holding a milestone concert, ‘Etude XL’ on 9 July 2016.
Since 1969, the National Junior College Symphonic Band (NJCSB) has been proud to have developed students’ interest in music, as well as moulded band members to become people of sensitivity and integrity through the years.
Indeed, a vital person who has been there with the band all this while, braving through ups and downs, and vast changes through the times while remaining dedicated to his passion of teaching, is none other than NJCSB’s conductor - Associate Professor Ho Hwee Long.

A/P Ho once said,
“There is great educational value in music. You learn discipline. You learn judgement, not just of a quality of a piece but the quality of people. And through accommodating your bandmates, you learn to live with others.”
In 2016, we would like to take this opportunity to commemorate the contributions of ‘Mr Ho’, whom he is affectionately known to his band students, for his immense love, sacrifice and dedication in teaching every band member who passes through his hands. Hence, your support as an NJC Band alumni will definitely go a long way in giving thanks to our beloved conductor!
NJCSB's 40th concert marks an important milestone, and what better way to celebrate it than through music! The pieces for this concert will set you in a contemplative mood, thinking of all our memorable experiences, as well as what the future holds for our younger members.

As we begin to walk down memory lane, NJCSB would like to invite all NJC Band alumni to contribute to this special event in the following ways:
Come join us and play for ‘Etude XL’ for a special item or two, conducted by our beloved Professor Ho Hwee Long! It'll be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with band music and old friends, and we would love for you to join us. We have instruments, so not to worry if you do not have your own. Please contact Mr Jason Lee ( if you would like to join us to perform in this milestone concert.
Share memorable stories and experiences and/or photos that you have had during your days in National Junior College Military/Symphonic Band and send them to Ms Tess Moh( or Ms Neo Shu Ting( by 31 March 2016! To enjoy and celebrate our memories, we will showcase these photos and memories in a special tribute during the event.
Save the date of the concert – 9 July 2016 at the Singapore Conference Hall, 7.00pm, and come on down to celebrate this joyous occasion with us! Kindly contact Ms Lee Shan Shan( if you wish to purchase tickets.
Through this event, we, as an NJCSB community, hope that it will allow future NJCSB members to better appreciate our progress as a band through the years, and spur them on to greater heights. Onward NJCSB!
Hope to see you very soon!